Lunchbox Tiffin Tower - Vegetarian

In stock

Please note that this lunch is individually tailored for 1 person

You can order for a minimum of 1 person?

Each person will receive an individually boxed lunch & individual boxed dessert?

This lunch will be boxed?for 1 person only and arranged like a 'tower of smallboxes in a bag'?

The lunch tower? would consist of the following:

  • An Individual boxed salad of Fresh Greek Salad with a sealed olive oil dressing on the side
  • 4 Different types of Vegetarian Sandwiches?
  • 3 Varieties of Finger Food - Vegetarian Samosas, Spring Rolls & Vegetable Quiche Slice
  • A separately boxed Luxury mini Dessert?

This lunch is for?vegetarians only.

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